Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is there a less expensive way to have a 2002 Volvo key copied?

I just bought a 2002 Volvo S60 and it only came with one key. I would like to get another one made as soon as possible, but I am being quoted $140-$200 by the dealerships, who apparently are the only ones that can copy newer keys. Does anyone know of a better way to go about doing this?|||As the first guy said, only the dealer, sad but true!

No locksmith will be able to do a darn thing about it, these keys are coded to emit a certain signal. The computer in the car then compares the code in the key to the code stored in the memory bank and then decides whether or not to let the car operate. I know because I had to have my antenna ring, the thing that receives the code in-car replaced at the dealer because I was getting an immobilizer signal!

Good Luck!|||no, it must be done by a dealer. the reason is because there is a chip in the key for the immobiliser. 3rd party key makers cant replicate these keys because if they did, replica keys would be being made left right and centre. you wont be able to use a key without the chip either.|||Go to a locksmith. Most have machines to duplicate transponder keys. call more thsn one for price, should be able to find one for under $50

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