Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where to put water in the radiator for a 1990 Volvo 240 DL Station Wagon?

It's a 1990 Volvo 240 DL Station Wagon. I would like a picture of the engine (radiator) and someone to point out where to put the water in it. Thanks.|||there is a water coolant jug under the hood.........it is on the right hand front....which means passenger side in the US....

has hoses going form the coolant jug to the radiator so its pretty easy to find....

240 volvo radiators do NOT have standard radiator caps....

EDIT: 2nd to last picture its the biggest white/clear jug under the hood the one on top.........the other one is washer fluid and the one close to the firewall is break fluid since this is a right hand drive car...


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