Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the purpose of Winter/Wet driving mode on my Volvo?

What is the purpose of Winter/Wet driving mode on my Volvo and how do I use it?|||If it's an older Volvo (ex. mine's a 1996), the Winter switch will make it start in third gear so that it is more difficult to spin the tires.

Volvos built after that have traction control as well, but I believe they still start in third gear. All you have to do is press the button, and a light on the dashboard should be illuminated.|||It sets the computer to compensate the traction control system for maximum traction in normal driving on wet and/or icy pavement.|||it kicks in the traction control, that way if computer senses tires slipping it will adjust power and use the anti lock breaks to slow the tire that slipping, thereby keeping good traction

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