Thursday, September 15, 2011

I just bought a Volvo S60 and it has a bulb issue. How much would something like that cost to get looked at?

I just bought a Volvo S60. The front left turn signal keeps going out, but eventually comes back. Since it seems like it could be more of a wiring issue than a bulb issue, I want to get it looked at by someone other than myself.|||i would replace the bulb socket . they were known to overheat and go bad on the s60 and other models.|||It may also be a moisture issue if the seal on the lens leaks. Just pull the bulb out of the socket and see if there is any rust on the inside of the plug. If everything is clean it could still be a bad connection inside the bulb ( I would replace it before ripping anything apart). It never hurts to clean the contacts on the bulb and in the connector while its all out in the open. If there is rust simply use a light sandpaper or emery cloth to clean them up. Good luck

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