Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do I replace the brake master cylinder on my 1989 Volvo?

I have a 1989 Volvo 760 Turbo. I am having a hard time finding a repair manual to show me how to replace my master cylinder for my brakes. Anybody got a site or at least some pointers on how to replace the master cylinder? I've already bled the brakes correctly and have diagnost the problem correctly.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!|||If you can bleed your brakes you can do this. Usually the MC is bolted to the power booster via two studs on the booster. Just unbolt the MC, disconnect your brake lines and you should be ok. Bolt the new one on, fill it with new brake fluid and bleed the brakes, just keep in mind that since you're disconnecting the lines the air bubbles are way up in the lines so it may take some time, and a lot of brake fluid, to bleed them correctly.

Good luck to ya...

p.s. If you didn't already know, start with the tire furthest from the MC then move to the next closest one, etc.|||Honestly, if you've got to ask, then you shouldnt be doing them. Remember, its your BRAKES. When those are done wrong accidents happen. Dont let that be you. Take it to a shop.

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