Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can I negotiate prices at a Volvo dealer if so by how much?

Volvo owners, I am planning to buy a C30. How much leeway do I have with the dealers? How much leeway do I have from the MSRP?

Thanks a bunch, Future first time Volvo Owner|||you should be able to get the car at invoice plus you keep the rebates if any|||Disregard the comment above ^. This guy has no clue.

First of all, Volvo NEVER offers rebates. They'll offer financing or lease specials. There is very little mark up on C30s as Volvo pretty much loses money selling them here. (Exchange rates are definitely not in their favor).

You're not going to get $2k off, maybe $500 at the most. Just ask them what invoice is and work from there.

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